Fuck Putin

A protest banner condemns Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine, igniting a war—a conflict serving as a stark reminder of humanity’s primitive inclinations to cling to antiquated beliefs when shaping our future. Religion, originally intended to discourage violence, has tragically been corrupted, leading to destruction in the name of what ought to be sacred and virtuous. This egregious misuse of faith underscores the urgent need for reconciliation and enlightenment in our collective consciousness. As we witness the devastation caused by this conflict, it becomes apparent that the path to progress lies in transcending divisive ideologies and embracing principles of peace, compassion, and cooperation. Let us unite in solidarity with the victims of this conflict, advocating for justice, diplomacy, and the restoration of harmony. Only through concerted efforts to overcome our tribal instincts can we hope to build a world guided by empathy and mutual respect, free from the shackles of dogma and violence.